12-18-2012, 07:28 AM
Good morning everyone. Saw this on a Michigan State sports board I'm a member of. It had a lot of good responses some funny, some absolutely cringe worthy. I'll start.
Back when I was 10 years old I had an episode one night. I woke up about midnight with the worst pain I had experienced in my young life. I've never been stabbed before but imagine the pain I was feeling was as close as anything I could think of. The pain was so severe I could not move from the fetal position on the floor. I remember my mother laying there crying along side of me. I got up once to go to the bathroom and immediately vomited from the pain. I made it to the bathroom and passed something I can only describe as a large piece of my insides. It was roughly the size of a small pea and was covered in tissue. We went to the ER and later the doctor. After a battery of tests and ultrasounds it was discovered that my Ureter tube (connects kidney to bladder) was 6 times the size it was supposed to be. Surgery was the only option given by the doctors here in MI. My parents decided that they wanted a second opinion and other family members had gone to Mayo Clinic in MN, so off we went. My first day there they tested how my urinary track was working. They did this by giving me a catheter and injecting me with radioactive dye. For those of you lucky enough to never experience a catheter google it. See what comes up. Well after a week there it was decided that I did not need the surgery but I would have to go back every year to test my urinary track. So for every year from age 10 to 17 I went to have the same tests done. My doctor I had while at Mayo Clinic was the top Pediatric Urologist in the country and would routinely take my medical records to conferences all over the world. Apparently I am special since no other doctors in the world had ever experienced a situation like mine.
To be continued...
Back when I was 10 years old I had an episode one night. I woke up about midnight with the worst pain I had experienced in my young life. I've never been stabbed before but imagine the pain I was feeling was as close as anything I could think of. The pain was so severe I could not move from the fetal position on the floor. I remember my mother laying there crying along side of me. I got up once to go to the bathroom and immediately vomited from the pain. I made it to the bathroom and passed something I can only describe as a large piece of my insides. It was roughly the size of a small pea and was covered in tissue. We went to the ER and later the doctor. After a battery of tests and ultrasounds it was discovered that my Ureter tube (connects kidney to bladder) was 6 times the size it was supposed to be. Surgery was the only option given by the doctors here in MI. My parents decided that they wanted a second opinion and other family members had gone to Mayo Clinic in MN, so off we went. My first day there they tested how my urinary track was working. They did this by giving me a catheter and injecting me with radioactive dye. For those of you lucky enough to never experience a catheter google it. See what comes up. Well after a week there it was decided that I did not need the surgery but I would have to go back every year to test my urinary track. So for every year from age 10 to 17 I went to have the same tests done. My doctor I had while at Mayo Clinic was the top Pediatric Urologist in the country and would routinely take my medical records to conferences all over the world. Apparently I am special since no other doctors in the world had ever experienced a situation like mine.
To be continued...