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Smile Family trip catalina 0 673 06-02-2024 07:42 AM
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Smile Family trip catalina
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 06-02-2024 07:42 AM
673 Views - No Replies

We went, we had fun, catalina island was a great trip.
Smoot seas there and back. Fishing was a little slow. However we managed to get the kids a few.
Boat ran great, and we had fun.
Not ro mention the Catalina Wine Mixer. Haha
Only bad thing we lost thr bait tank pump.
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  Manta Ray night
Posted by: Mikey - 08-02-2023 09:18 AM
1238 Views - No Replies

If you are in Kona Hawaii, this is a must to put on the Bucket List! With many different options to choose from here is the best i/we can recommend. Manta Adventures, located out of  77-429 Kealakehe Pkwy Honokohau Harbor Slip G2 ( South Side of Harbor) Kailua Kona HI 96740. 
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  Made it to Kona
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 07-29-2023 08:02 AM
574 Views - No Replies

Good day,
We made it to Kona. Aww the serenity,  beauty and family time. All much needed and great full to be here. Now the fun parts so far, a non stop, with 1 stop for fuel flight. Yes a non stop to Hawaii with a stop for fuel.  So it turns out when you fly out of Las Vegas, it is considered a high altitude airport, mix that with high temperatures over 100 degrees and they can not fly full. Explained this way to us. We can have the runway lengthend or dump 40 or so people off the plane. Or we take off light get to LAX top the plane off and get you to Hawaii. 
Las Vegas is 200 ft elevation just FYI.

We got here , safe and the kids are loving it. We are going to be adventurous each day and see what the island brings. 
Hopefully we get onto a good day of fishing, don't think we will hunt this trip. Just fish and explore for the kids....
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  Kona bound.
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 07-26-2023 06:25 AM
643 Views - No Replies

And today starts the journey for our families first trip together, to Kona.
I have been yo and lived in Hawaii. Now it is time to show my family the beautiful surinity that the big island offers. 
Goals on this trip are to relax and enjoy the island spirit. Ok and try for a marlin for my wife, catch the kids some Fish too.
Then do some sight seeing and visit the Parker ranch, thr volcano and of course beach days.
We will keep you posted and hopefully some awesome pics....
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  Great pcs coverage
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 03-09-2023 04:44 PM
718 Views - No Replies

Look at the second video on the link...
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Smile Pacific coast sport fishing show 2023 in the books
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 03-08-2023 10:00 PM
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Pacific coast sport fishing show 2023 in the books and yes Offishial Business had 2 ponds full of trout and over 2500 kids fished them. On a side note 5 special kids, got to catch a fish. These 5 children where special need and we made them smile and to see that was just a great feeling. We had tagged fish which had prizes that we gave out each day.
 Now with that said the best word to describe the show, WOW! 
The National Anthem each morning was a great start each day.
Pacific coast sportfishing magazine set the new standard for a fishing, boating, travel and more outdoor show. If you wanted tackle, boats, guided trips, charter or info on other items, well the show had it all. Then the seminars with information from guys who are some of the best in the industry, the show had it. With so many vendors I don't really want to list all, as much as inwish i could, however it was breathtaking to see them all. 
Here are a few that we will be talking about soon and hopefully you will see some banner ads from them.
#Anglerettes the women's apparel line, #PeterJArts this man has some amazing artwork and Japanese...
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  It's been a min, lots of new things.
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 04-27-2022 04:42 AM
2435 Views - No Replies

To all here we are getting into a new venture and it's been crazy. Details to come as we have to keep it super quiet.
Hope all of you doing great. Have a wonderful....
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  The story i have heard before (Fish)
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 03-04-2022 08:59 AM
895 Views - No Replies

Now i hear tis song, its the story of a simple life. Both the song and the story just FISH love your family and friends, do not get wrapped up trying to out do tge next guy.
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  The trout pond at Pacific coast sportfishing show
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 02-20-2022 07:14 AM
746 Views - No Replies

So as many of you know,  sets up and runs the trout fishing pond, aka pool with extar filtration. We are also just a vendor trying to promote our business. The big congratulations is to the hard work and years of building this show, goes to Pacific coast sportfishing magazine. I have personally attended this show as well worked 7 of the 12 years and see it grow. If you are looking for a show to attend and find out new item, information or just want to see an array of cool things, well my friends this is the show. If you have followed us on Facebook live you have seen some of it. 

The seminars are awesome, the vendor's are amazing and the atmosphere is bar none just fun and then there is the Offishial Business trout pond for the kids. All in all if you didn't make it this year, watch for the dates next year.

#offishialbusiness #ofboutdoors #adventure #hunting #fishing #outdoors #outdoorlife...
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  Offishial Business Outdoors online store
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 01-28-2022 05:46 AM
1564 Views - 3 Replies

Well with the world changed and having new toys to play with and updating other machines, we can now offer a wide variety of items.
The store is not 100% up and running however it is here.


We have Hats, Buffs, Stickers, Shirts, Hoodies and more!

#hats #tshirts #stickers #custom #adventure #outdoors #offishialbusiness #hunting #fishing...
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  Happy Father's Day 2021
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 06-20-2021 05:22 AM
687 Views - No Replies

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  hours left and bye bye CA
Posted by: Mikey - 01-30-2021 07:47 AM
1700 Views - 7 Replies

So in roughly 48 hours, we will be heading to a new state, a new lifestyle, and a new start. California is and will always be Home to me, I have lived in other places too. However now with my new and loving family, I can not stay here and raise our children in this state. A few years ago, before I had kids, I was talking with a good friend who moved back to Tennessee and I asked why. He explained a few things; 1 was when they made the change for the bathrooms to be basically anyone, he said nope I am not going to jail over some dude walking in on my girls. 2 the schooling, once he got to TN the kids took almost 3 months to catch up just in history class, due to the washing of history out of schools in CA. We talked for well into an hour of reasons it was an eye-opener.

So over 20 years ago I was on a basic turnaround trip delivering a trailer with 3 horses to Wyoming. On the return trip in the middle of the night, I had to layover in Beaver UT, started to lose both steer tires on my truck. When daylight broke thru and I looked around it was beautiful, I said I could live here. Well, 1 year ago my better half and I made the trip to start looking. We found a place and it...
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Sad Bye bye rattlesnake
Posted by: Mikey - 05-08-2020 08:47 PM
8107 Views - 4 Replies

Lets just  say i saw this guy 200 yrds away.
Heading for the house area. No no bye bye.
The old mossberg 12ga 1 shot 1 kill no more head....
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  Easter and they say it's in 3s
Posted by: Offishial Business Outdoors - 04-12-2020 05:34 PM
2427 Views - 5 Replies

Happy Easter to all. This post is a bit late, our apologies. For those that know we w live the ranch life and have quite a few animals. However this week was not all happy and rejoicing with having animals. We are still thankful for what the good lord has given and done for us.

Well let's start with Wednesday and losing one of our best playing Henson. Then we get to good Friday and lost out German shepherd, ok so they say this comes in threes and sunday morning we wake up to our oldest daughters pony dead. Let's just say I enjoy playing on the backhoe bit digging graves for our loved animals on Easter week sucks.

We all in all the past few days have been a bit testing and stressful. We hope and pray everyone is safe and staying healthy 

Our next adventure will be coming soon and so will the next move in promoting the site. Until the next post tight lines and strait shots....
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  Utah learning trip
Posted by: Mikey - 03-10-2020 06:23 AM
2606 Views - No Replies

So we went and we liked. @Terri_O and myself loaded up the 3 kiddos and made the first of many trips to Utah. First off, the kids where amazing for the 6.5 hour car ride and almost 11 hours home. Then add another 7 hours while we drove around looking at properties and the area. Anyways, we did some hands on research and found some places. One place was pretty dang nice and needed little work. Well, besides doubling the house size. haha you know nothing to major. After looking at different lays of land and areas we were able to narrow down what we really would like and location of the area.

While we were there we saw some amazing views and even made a trip up to Brian Head. Even got to get the line wet for a few. While we didn't get to see any (live) deer in Utah @Terri_O did find a shed. Oh, and the oldest spotted (2) does on our way home.... in the Cajon pass of all places. Haha. It was a great trip all in all and of course we couldn't pass by Bass Pro Shops without making a quick stop.

[Image: deaa9d3db98dcd0d7475e2260b9707d0.jpg]...<br /><a href=[ Read more ]

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