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Something I found interesting
This was a question asked to the DFG and Answered.

Maximum lobster hoops?
Question: I know the maximum number of hoop nets that can be fished from a boat is 10. We take a couple of multi-day trips every year and invariably lose one or two during the trip. My question is can we carry a couple of spares on the boat to replace any we lose? (Larry H.)

Answer: Unfortunately, you may not. No more than 10 hoop nets may be possessed on a vessel (CCR Title14, section 29.80(b)).

Another thing to watch out for is the bait situation. Bonito have a limit of 5, and if you cut them up for bait the DFW officer will count each trap as one bonito. So lets say you have 5 traps out, and still have some cut bonito on your boat, you are considered "over limit" on bonito. They WILL write you a ticket, and have been since opening day.

The other trick they are pulling is with guys that buy salmon heads for lobster bait. DFW is now checking for salmon punch cards. If you possess a salmon head (that you purchased at the market) and do not have a salmon punch card, you WILL get a ticket. If you have more than one salmon head and no punch card, you will be handed a ticket for each.

Total baloney on the part of the DFW, I know, but its happening. You have been warned.
WOW what A-Holes. that is a load of crap. The sad part is that a DFG or now DFW ticket is an OPEN ticket, it is not like a traffic ticket that is sign and done, in the court room the warden can add to it, they are not just a regular cop, they are more like US Marshals. be very careful how and what you say to them!

Great info Captain and thank you
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
(10-10-2013, 07:30 AM)captjeffjones Wrote: Another thing to watch out for is the bait situation. Bonito have a limit of 5, and if you cut them up for bait the DFW officer will count each trap as one bonito. So lets say you have 5 traps out, and still have some cut bonito on your boat, you are considered "over limit" on bonito. They WILL write you a ticket, and have been since opening day.

The other trick they are pulling is with guys that buy salmon heads for lobster bait. DFW is now checking for salmon punch cards. If you possess a salmon head (that you purchased at the market) and do not have a salmon punch card, you WILL get a ticket. If you have more than one salmon head and no punch card, you will be handed a ticket for each.

Total baloney on the part of the DFW, I know, but its happening. You have been warned.



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