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Question about sharing info. Little long
Hey guys, little background if you've read this post you know a little about my feelings relating to "hot spots". We have a big group of anglers here in Michigan that like to brag about all the fish they catch. But when an amateur like myself ask about where they caught they never give any information at all. Not even a county or area of the state in some cases. Others just flat out ignore me. Now my question for you guys is, why is it such a big deal to keep everything a secret? I get not wanting an area to be over crowded but its not like the lake will run out if fish. The DNR has limits on size and amount of fish that can be taken by any one person. Also, what are your thought on sharing spots? Just trying to start a dialog here.
I will share with good people, but a lot of the time if you have that little spot that seems to never fail and you take a group of people there, a year later you go back and it crowed. this is called dumb asses that do not care. when it is full of trash and over fished, then you get mad and have to find another one.
this is why most guys dont say. just like a new hot bait, you dont always say what it is you caught your fish on, just so you can have a little time to say hey look what i got!

As for getting info Private Message some one and ask that way.. then its not out for the cyber world to blah blah brag about.
this was a great question!!!
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Yeah, I only PM asking for info and still get vague or 0 response. I think I've proven my ineptitude in terms of fishing haha. Oh well tho. I grew up in a family where fishing hot spots were kept from each other. Guess ill just have to keep chasing that needle. Ha
My main focus has been the saltwater bass industry. Now with using the keyword "saltwater," it's much larger than a lake. I know with the group of fisherman I have been involved with. They don't mind sharing knowledge and location to the anglers. I have been told "as long as you are asking the right questions, we don't mind helping a fellow angler out," but if you're not releasing the calico bass, sand bass, or spotted bay bass. You'll never hear from them. They would send you on a wild goose chase.

Now you just used the words "limits." If I was a freshwater fisherman and heard you guys kept bass. I'd never share a lick of information. Trout, blue gill, ect not a problem. Bass are game fish and I believe in release of all bass. Not accusing you, just saying per the situation.

Third of all, some people put there "time" and "money" on the water. They put in countless of trails and errors. They studied, learned patterns, location, everything like the back of there hands.. To a random joe, why would you give information on "hot spots?" In the saltwater world, if you hear fish being caught on the East Side of Catalina on the VHF. That area will look like a parking lot.

I get what your saying. It's a hard question with no real right nor wrong answer. A lot of guys will give you the information after the bit has cooled down. You can go back and forth all day with this. I'd love to hear what others think.

Here in Southern California you have pay for information websites. I believe 9-10 times, it's to late by the time you see the information. Ocean fish move and move fast. Lakes and streams maybe just always hot in one spot.

Yeah, totally agree on bass. I don't ever keep them since I think they taste terrible. The types of fish I'm usually after tips for are walleye or perch. The good eating fish. Lots of guys keeping large mouth tho and I can tell you it's upsetting. I live on a great lrg mouth lake caught all our biggest on my home lake this year. Saw 2 young kids walk out by my house with a stinger of 5-6 huge bass. I stopped to talk to them and measure just for fun. All over 19 in. I was upset they took that many bass out of such a small lake. It prolly only 100 acres max. * Rant over *
(12-10-2012, 09:19 AM)Twofishingguys Wrote: Yeah, I only PM asking for info and still get vague or 0 response. I think I've proven my ineptitude in terms of fishing haha. Oh well tho. I grew up in a family where fishing hot spots were kept from each other. Guess ill just have to keep chasing that needle. Ha
that is a good way to put it, like both myself and Saltwater bass have mentioned in other words, gaining respect with these guys, One guy we know just paid the piper to a guide, so he could learn about a lake, sometimes that has to happen.
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
That sucks buddy! Really that sucks! I myself keep fishing. Yellowtail, tuna, halibut, I want to say white seabass but haven't caught one yet. Lakes I really wouldn't keep it, unless like trout, they died durning release. Or if I knew we were having a BBQ right after we got off the boat, I'd keep some trout. I just release all bass. And calico taste so good but being involved with Swba and learning its a tournament fish and see sportboats keeping 1000 per day. I just can't anymore.

As for spots, I believe it's complicated. Interesting to see what a Guide/Captains take is on this..
(12-10-2012, 09:38 AM)Mikey Wrote:
(12-10-2012, 09:19 AM)Twofishingguys Wrote: Yeah, I only PM asking for info and still get vague or 0 response. I think I've proven my ineptitude in terms of fishing haha. Oh well tho. I grew up in a family where fishing hot spots were kept from each other. Guess ill just have to keep chasing that needle. Ha
that is a good way to put it, like both myself and Saltwater bass have mentioned in other words, gaining respect with these guys, One guy we know just paid the piper to a guide, so he could learn about a lake, sometimes that has to happen.

Very true, and well said... Paying for a service now is cheaper in the end on fuel. Lol


As for spots, I believe it's complicated. Interesting to see what a Guide/Captains take is on this..

Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Yeah, I've finally made some head way with a few guys here in Michigan. Offered to take me out on their boat. Just hard to find time since they all live over an hour away. I started this post cuz there is a guy that lives 5 miles from me who has been bragging about the perch bite the last couple weeks. I'm pretty sure we fish the same lakes. I PMed him and got no response. Guess just frustrated since I could go for a good fish fry. Maybe I could trade info about my lake and bass. Hmmm...thinking now. Haha
Start fishing lol


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