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Pipe froze.
What is going on this year. I went out to give my dog water, and no water from my hose. Everything is frozen, never happen to me before.....Not cool.... Dodgy
Eat what you kill !
it sucks man i know. its cali winter on the COLD side
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
haha. that sux oat. sorry to hear.
Today my hot deck in a build serving 4 floors went down. Outside fresh air intake of 41 degrees pissed some people off today!

I have to make sure the garage door is closed every time in and out or else the pipes to the house freeze. It was 63 degrees on Saturday. Not even 20 today. Oh, and I used to have to plug in my old car at night so it would start.

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