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Today is 9/11 Memories of this day are set forever in my head as the phone range and the TV came on i watched the second plane hit tower 2.
i remember the call from my dad and mom, we are trying to get out of IL but all flights have been canceled. Rental cars are booked solid get ready to fuel up the motor home and come get us. well thank GOD they got a rental car!
THE United States of America went under attack that day and forever has been changed.
[Image: 1_9_11_remembrance_quotes_never_forget.jpg]
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
i was barely 5 when this happened... i remember sitting there waiting for my kindergarten carpool to arrive and my mom turned on the news as i saw plane 1 hit tower 1... i didnt realize the immensity until recent years... those whom we have lost are in my thoughts... we will not forget!!!!
Will Nighswonger is my name, Fishing is my game
Never forget that day. I was on a tuna trip out of Seaforth. Capt stop the boat while we were trolling and call all of us in to the galley. When he announce the bad news the boat turn around and head for home.
Eat what you kill !
Never forget!


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