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Long Beach Night Sesh
I got invited on a last minute run to fish the Long Beach Break Wall tonight. Weather started out very windy with some upset seas. As the night hour got later, it laid down lake flat calm with a minimum serge. All in all it was a fun night. Fishing was very slow with my biggest fish beings 2 lbs. I got 1 off the Mc Paros Vajos 7" bait. Majority came off the MC PV 5". 2 came on the Jerk Shad off the HB oil right. I finished the night with 9 fish total. It was a nice night. Now off to bed cause I gotta work in a few hours. Piece!

9 fish is a solid night man.

"remember be quick but don't hurry." WHG
sounds fun
at least you made it out
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Sound like fun
Eat what you kill !
[Image: zuqyquhu.jpg] she got bit

Nice job!! I gotta get out to the wall and fish at night I have never done it.
(08-17-2013, 08:28 AM)Saltwater Bass Wrote: [Image: zuqyquhu.jpg] she got bit

so did it get ran over, what did you do to it??????????
Wanting to be in the outdoors land or water. who's in the chase with me?
Calico bassin

[Image: ryrure5a.jpg]
"Nice Jacket
To Bad it doesnt say OffishialBusiness"

haha I call PHOTO SHOP
J/K nice work
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
LMAO! Believe it or not I was having my wife wash the OFB jacket. When I got home to leave Friday it was in the wash. If I had shirts I could have had that on!!!!


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