Here a easy one, just time consuming.
Get some beef brisket from your local butcher. Coat meat with your favorite bbq rub, and put in the refrigerator for 24hr. Put meat in your smoker at 250 degree. Cook em low and slow. This is an all day project, so be patent. Let meat cook til internal temperature hit 180. Then you want to wrap tightly w foil paper. Put back in your smoker for couple more hours. This will break down the muscle, and make for a very tender n juicy brisket. After taking brisket from smoker be sure to let it rest for at least 20 minutes before slicing. If not rested juice will ran out of meat and make for very dry piece.
This one took 6 1/2 hours. To reach 180 internal temperature.
After meat is rested and slice. Of course I like my with ice cold chevella.
Get some beef brisket from your local butcher. Coat meat with your favorite bbq rub, and put in the refrigerator for 24hr. Put meat in your smoker at 250 degree. Cook em low and slow. This is an all day project, so be patent. Let meat cook til internal temperature hit 180. Then you want to wrap tightly w foil paper. Put back in your smoker for couple more hours. This will break down the muscle, and make for a very tender n juicy brisket. After taking brisket from smoker be sure to let it rest for at least 20 minutes before slicing. If not rested juice will ran out of meat and make for very dry piece.
This one took 6 1/2 hours. To reach 180 internal temperature.
After meat is rested and slice. Of course I like my with ice cold chevella.
Eat what you kill !