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Exciting times of a tropical environment
Exciting times of a tropical environment

Very little traffic on the East Cape again this week makes it difficult to put together a report. Word is that live bait was hard to come by. I wonder if it is because not much is here or if pangeros are not motivated to go to the effort of making bait with only one or two boats a day willing to purchase live bait. Fresh and frozen ballyhoo is available in abundance.

Years of living in a tropical environment has taught me not to let my guard down while enjoying calm seas and beautiful weather day after day. Conditions can change very rapidly and go from spectacular to horrible in a nanosecond.

August and September is our most volatile time but not the only time to be on guard I have posted a few photos that illustrates how fast our tropical weather can change.

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One day Jack was enjoying the calm while battling a marlin on his SR12 spinner.

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The following day this weather rolled in.

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The weather created this

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and the run off from all the rain caused this.

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One beautiful September day I didn't think the approaching weather would be serious.

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Not putting up storm shutters resulted in this

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and this.

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The weather wore out Macho.

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On this day in calm seas we watched this rain spout form right in front of our eyes. Exciting times of a tropical environment.

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841
HOLY COW glad you all were OK. yes you can never trust the tropics. however it is a small price to pay when you live in paradise!
awesome shots!
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
as always great pics... and yeah a small price to pay for some pretty dam good fishing
men and fish are alike. we both get in trouble when we open our mouths.


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