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East Cape, couldn't buy a bite
East Cape, couldn't buy a bite
This week started where last week left off with a tough bite and difficult weather.

The Tuna Shoot out was held this week and was kind of a bust in my estimation. Only 42 teams signed up which was probably less than half of what was anticipated. Tropical storm Octavo might have frightened off some and the lack of tuna was most likely another reason. The 42 teams only weighed 5 fish with just one over 100 pounds. A meger 18 pound dorado took honors for that devision.

We ventured as far as 45 miles off shore in search of porpoise but couldn't find them. We worked our buns off all day but couldn't buy a bite on tournament day.

Octavo passed and dumped almost 3 inches of rain on the region. The good thing for the East Cape was that the storm passed far enough away to not cause any wind or damage.

Our fishing conditions are very strange right now. The Sea of Cortez is 85 degrees. The water is blue and clear with bait puddling everywhere. The game fish are here, we can see them. Marlin and sailfsih tailing, dorado and wahoo are swimming in plain sight. They are just very lethargic and not agressive when baits are presented. I have no explanation except that it is fishing and they just don't bite all the time.

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The bite did pick up for Pete Gray and company who had limits of dorado before 8am

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Petes luck continued

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We picked up this wahoo after filling our fish box with snapper

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Blue marlin early in the week

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Rootlieb crew had some action

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Octavo did dump some rain on us.

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This finch was happy to find us 40 miles off shore and hitched a ride back.

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Our secret rooster hole has been paying off during afteroon boat clean up.
Looking at this weeks photos maybe it is not as tough as I'm making it out?

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841
As Always very nice, that is why its called fishing not catching. i hate it when you can see them but they dont want to play.
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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