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2013 California Offshore Challenge
This weekend was the 5th annual Saltwater Bass Anglers California Offshore Challenge that took place on the 5th and 6th of January at 2 Two Harbors Catalina Island. This is the "Biggest" Saltwater Bass tournament of its kind. 25 2 man teams all left to Catalina Island Friday with the hope of "BIG Calico Bass." This tournament is the true meaning of "Offshore." The only available places that the teams could fish was Catalina Island, San Clemente Island, and Santa Barbara Island.

Saturday the tournament started with reports of a few teams heading over to Santa Barbara, a few at Catalina, and from what I understood, most teams headed to San Clemente Island. Reports of the water just being cold and fish were biting, but not so much on the "Big Bass." As always though, that isn't the report of every boat. One very cool thing that the SWBA added this year, was "Live Streaming" of the weigh-in on Ustream. Also they still offered the Live Weigh-In sheet available on the website. With many people siting on Saturday afternoon, refreshing the the link, and watching the Ustream live, waiting to see what the Teams have done. One major report of the day, the "Weather" was picking up strong. Waters starting to get rough, and what would that mean for tomorrow on the last day of the tournament?

As the teams all came in to weigh there prized catches of the day of 5 fish, a few teams stood tall. 4th place team Rolling Thunder's Garrett Ching and Jospheh Shagner with 25.47 lbs, and also the biggest fish of the day with a 6.88 pound calico. 3rd place going to team Greenhorn's Eric Abrahamson and Sandy Collora with 27.02 lbs. 2nd place going to team Perros Viejo's Doug Crawford and John Beerling with 28.21 lbs. 1st place going to team BPS's Mike Lane and Scott Pethtel with a big bag of 30.77 lbs. Only a few pounds away from each other, you can guarantee day 2 would be exciting.

Note: The weather came up big, with winds blowing and rough rides for all teams. Team Kelp Rock and Dock was getting pounded on so hard, the trolling motor is now on the bottom of the ocean. They were trying to get back in for the weigh-in, but the pounding did its number to the trolling motor.

Although the numbers looked big, and sure lead to excitement for the fans watching in. One thing you noticed was one team didn't make it in before the time limit of 4pm. The Live streaming ended, where was that last team? Later finding out that they wouldn't come back on the boat they left on. If you guys don't know, Saltwater Bass Anglers are extreme. Fishing for green bass, the elements doesn't even come close to the conditions of "Ocean Fishing." The word "Extreme" says its all when you are in a smaller vessel and playing with "Mother Nature" out in the deep blue sea. Team Drug of Choice was fishing near the (from my understanding, not to close) beach at San Clemente island. A wave breaking took them by surprise. As they tried to get up and over the wave, it threw the front of the boat back around causing them to nose dive and in they went. As stressed, Safety is the most important thing no matter what you do. Life Jackets, as Bobby Martinez stated "it saved our life." They made it to shore in the freezing cold water. One of the things stressed by one of the team members, was to not take there boots off. They would need it to walk on the rocky water. They helped each other to get back to shore. They both were safe on land but waited a long time for help. One thing that came to shore was there flare gun. Shooting it off at a boat across the way, nothing happen. Maybe the boater thought it was the Navy kicking them out of the area. After waiting for a long time and knowing how dark it gets during winter. They decided to walk up the hill. Making it up the way and scared it was Navy grounds knowing that no civilian should be on it. They made it up the hill, then shortly later, were picked up by the Navel. Taking them back to base, the Navel Contacted the Sheriffs at Catalina. With a 2 hours wait, the boys enjoyed a beer and burger, also playing a few games of pool. The team was finally picked up and taken back to Catalina. Greeted with warm welcomes, and glad they were okay. Thank the Lord that they were okay.

Day 2 Sunday the 6th started out with weather. Seas were up, rain and even reports of hail dropping. 13 of the 25 teams went fishing, the rest decided to go home before it became unsafe. Some teams in bigger boats went to San Clemente, most stayed around Catalina for the safety factor. The guys that went to San Clemente Islands said it took a pounding 3 hours to make it back to 2 harbors with the weather. The boats made it back safe and it was time to see what they had. Conditions were rough, but some managed some big bags. Biggest fish of the day was 6.70 pounds from team Kiltcher's Chris Lilis and Matt Kobzeff. 3rd place overall finish was team Greenhorn with 20.31 and a total of 47.33 pounds from Eric Abrahamson and Sandy Collora. 2nd place team went to Team BPS with 23.24 pounds totaling to 54.01 lbs from Mike Lane and Scott Pethtel. 1st place went to John Beerling and Doug Crawford of Perros Viejo which was also the last boat to weigh. With team BPS right there in the lead, it was time for the final numbers. John and Doug took the pounding of rough seas and pulled out a bag of 27.25 pounds. That would be it, giving them the win with 55.46 total weight. What a pound for pound fight between those 2 teams. Great fishing guys!

Congratulations to team Perro Viejo's John Beerling and Doug Crawford the 2013 SWBA COC CHAMPIONS

Congratulations to all teams and glad everyone made it home safe.

WOW thats a long read, nice work glad all made it safe.
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
    photo from SWBA

nice work
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Thats rad. glad those anglers made it back safely. Nice write up

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