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Try to explain a pilgrim to a Mexican
Try to explain a pilgrim to a Mexican

Winter has kicked into high gear on the East Cape. The last couple of days north winds have blown so hard the sea has not been fishable. I have watched a couple of departures in the morning from brave souls with high hopes but by 9am they are pounding their way back to anchor. Typically from now though February we will experience a steady diet of this weather. There will be days when the sea calms enough to get out fishing but they will be few and far between. Now is the time kite boarding is the main water sport and it appears to me the sailors are having a heyday.

On one of our last trips of the season we encountered something we have never seen before. I sent photos to National Geographic and other experts but nobody has responded. While trolling about 9 miles off of El Cardonal we spotted a risso dolphin. That in itself is a little unusual. It is not often we see rissos and I don't recall ever seeing one solo.

What we saw next tore at my heart strings. It appeared mama risso had a baby that died. The baby carcass was decaying and obviously had been dead for some time. The dolphin had its young under tow and would not leave it. The animal was not spooked by our boat and we watched long enough to snap more than 100 photos. Finally we left the scene while the dolphin continued on. It would be interesting to find out if this is normal behavior but none of my sources have responded.

In 1991 I pulled the plug on my real estate firm and moved to Buena Vista. It was life changing and the best move I have ever made. I have never looked back and rarely miss anything about Gringolandia. There are only a few major US holidays that don't coincide with Mexican holidays. Thanksgiving is one of those. Our Mexican community has been exposed to enough Americans and for a long enough time to understand Dia Da Gracias. I don't believe the locals understand the origin of the holiday with pilgrims and indians that I grew up with. It is strange to have banks and businesses open and for it to just be another day. This is one of the few times I miss the feelings of the celebration with family and close friends.

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Surfs up in Buena Vista

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841
that was and must have been amazing to see, i dont blame you one bit for leaving this rat race up here.
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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