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Lets hear from You
So there are a lot of great changes going on with the website here. some may be noticeable other may not be. Lets hear from you thoughts, opinions and stories of trips or outings.

We are going o be adding all the t-shirt and sweatshirts on the market place soon. Men's, women's and youth apparel. As well updating the banners and some of the section.

So all input is welcome as well tips, techniques, stories or hot info on fishing or hunting.

Thank you
Team Offishial Business
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
I’ll try and add in some info
Thank you

Sorry for not posting bulged a disc in my back err
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Oh man this is the worst. be sitting and feel all good stand up and it like an ice pick jabbed down my butt all the way to the back of my knee. the worst charley horse and it does not go away. i can feel the bulged disc in my back, feels like a small muscle know moving back and forth, pinching the nerve.

well rant over haha
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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