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WTF! Barely Making It
I am a glass half full kinda guy, but I do tend to see things the way they are and want to make improvements. Not only with mechanical situations, but in business as well. It seems every year I hear these sportboat guys complaining about being broke (not all, but some). On the last trip I was on it became all to clear to me why these guys struggle, so I wrote about it. Just a few things I see that I would do if I were once again in the position of Operator. (not going to happen, too happy where I am at).

Barely Making It:
All very true and as always a extremely great read. thank you capt.
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Great read cap!!!!

A few years back on a local boat lunch came around. The galley was packed. So I fished until it died down. Starting filling my bag with taco meat. Saw the galley was empty and ordered lunch. The cook chew me out and was pissed off because he had cleaned the grill and I should have ordered with the crowd. 3/4 day boat and it was only 12:30. No tips for him. Also the boat only talked with the boats locals. 4 guys that go on it all the time. Not one deckhand helped anyone. Some got tangled and they cut the line and walked back to the Locals. Then they started to fish with the locals to fill the boats ice chest. The captain never came out, I don't even know what he looked like. To top it all off as we get into the harbor the cap gets on the radio and said to please tip your deckhands they worked hard all day. Well that's bullshit, we had to cut our own bait. We only had fresh dead squid. We ran out of bait and I told the deck hand we were out and he said can you do me a favor the bag is up there. We did all the work that day, and as we got off the boat they were bitching cause someone paid 10 bucks in tip that was it for the entire boat. Never came back to the boat and or the landing.


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