I have a neighbor that lives down the road from me, his name is Wayne. Six weeeks ago, Wayne was diagnosed with kidney cancer and another form of cancer that has not been named yet. This mystery cancer is multiplying daily, and affecteing various parts of his body. Wayne is only 44 years old, and like many of us enjoys the outdoors, shooting, playing with boats, and cars. He is not expected to survive for more than a few more weeks. He has a disabled wife, and four young children. Any kind of help is appreciated, even if it's just a prayer. They sell eggs from their chickens to pay for gas to visit Wayne in the hospital. If you happen to be near Nuevo, and need eggs, stop by and buy some. I'll be cooking meals and taking them over so they have food to eat, and one less thing to worry about. One of our friends set up a go fund me page for them, which I posted. If anybody could help, it's you. They have a bunch of horses too, so I might go deliver a few bails of hay for them as well.