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Few hour at the canal this morning
Had the morning free today, so I decide to put in few hours of fishing. After dropping off my kids at school I headed to the canal. Caught a few species of fish today. Biggest was a chunker largemouth bass, my guess it around 5 lbs or so. Couple channel cat, and a stinking carp. All fish caught on night crawler and shad like bait.

The fatty lmb

Another smaller unit.

This little guy fought great.

All fish cpr today, already had my fish fry treat few days ago.

Last catch of the day. This guy decide he wanted to give my crankbait a

Not too bad for few hours on the water. I'm gonna be late picking up my kids from school.........

Oatums outa here, thanks for reading. Tongue
Eat what you kill !
haha thanks for the post Oat. did you keep the carp for bait for next weekend?????
Grass carp is a big no no. That's a $350 fine if caught with one. we will get our own carp next weekend. I got a few spot in mind, brink a can of yellow corn.
Eat what you kill !
its only illegal if you get caught! and by the fine beig so high that must mean that its a good bait. im sold. oat we need to target grass carp next weekend
no oat needs to target them before we get there so we can fish them when we get there
men and fish are alike. we both get in trouble when we open our mouths.
Fresh is best, we'll get some next weekend.
Eat what you kill !
that carp looked beat up. i need a few of those for the pond.
i still dont know 100% if ill make it down there yet
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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