Rapala World Record 468x60
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Check This Out! Great derby at SARL!
I want to start of by thanking Kevin for putting on such a great event. There were so many people there they had to start letting people in an hour and a half early to get the cars out of the street. I started fishing around 5:15 am but I don’t think the action really started until. The sun came up. That’s usually around the time the trout start feeding anyway. I made this diagram to show why I chose my spot.
[Image: 583a7bda8b3597397723cccc001caf8f.jpg]
As you can see I assumed the wind would push the fish up that bank and the would hold in that Downwind pocket. Right at first light Richard smith with team 57 got a solid 6lber about 20 feet from me witch ended up being the 2nd place winner for the day.
I managed 1 1lber with a few more bites and one significantly larger fish that wrapped me up in four other lines with the guys next to me and pulled the hook. I fished lime twist, white, and salmon egg power bait on a Carolina rig with a 12” leader. All my bites came in the salmon egg power bait.
[Image: 4a84f56bc85717118493b6b40cd0e5c3.jpg]
All in all I had a great time, met a few new people, and learned a little bit too. Thanks to Mikey for allowing me to represent OFB out there today. I wish I coulda pulled together a nice weight for you but they just weren’t cooperating.

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"Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it." –Harry Middleton

The results ended up being

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"Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it." –Harry Middleton

Awesome deal. Great info and nice presentation. Hey we can't win them all.
Glad you got to go and glad you had fun.

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Your very welcome and i am honored to have someone who shares the passion
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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