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Catalina Island MLPA info 2019
The latest MLPA info 2019
Boundary: This area is bounded by the mean high tide line to a distance of 1000 feet seaward of the mean lower low tide line of any shoreline southeastward of a line connecting the following two points:
33° 28.652' N. lat. 118° 32.310' W. long.; and
33° 28.820' N. lat. 118° 32.310' W. long.; and northwestward of a line connecting the following two points:
33° 27.240' N. lat. 118° 29.900' W. long.; and
33° 27.174' N. lat. 118° 30.089' W. long.
Permitted/Prohibited Uses:
  1. It is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource for commercial and/or recreational purposes, with the following specified exceptions:
    1. All recreational take is allowed in accordance with current regulations, except the recreational take of invertebrates is prohibited.
    2. All commercial take is allowed in accordance with current regulations.
Boundary: This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:
33° 25.960' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long.;
33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long.;
33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 29.300' W. long.; and
33° 26.640' N. lat. 118° 29.300' W. long.
Permitted/Prohibited Uses:
  1. It is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource for commercial and/or recreational purposes, with the following specified exceptions:
    1. Except as pursuant to Federal law, emergency caused by hazardous weather, or as provided in b. below, it is unlawful to anchor or moor a vessel in the formerly designated Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge.
    2. The director of the Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge, or any person that the director of the refuge has authorized may anchor or moor a vessel or take, for scientific purposes, any fish or specimen of marine plant life in the formerly designated Catalina Marine Science Center Marine Life Refuge under the conditions prescribed in a scientific collecting permit issued by the department.
    3. Take pursuant to the maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the Department.
Boundary: This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:
33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long.;
33° 29.970' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long.; thence northwestward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to
33° 30.810' N. lat. 118° 29.300' W. long.;
33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 29.300' W. long.; and
33° 27.500' N. lat. 118° 27.000' W. long.
Permitted/Prohibited Uses:
  1. It is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource for commercial and/or recreational purposes, with the following specified exceptions:
    1. The recreational take of pelagic finfish by hook-and-line or by spearfishing, white seabass by spearfishing and market squid by handheld dip net is allowed.
    2. The commercial take of pelagic finfish by hook-and-line and swordfish by harpoon is allowed.
Boundary: This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:
33° 24.380' N. lat. 118° 21.980' W. long.;
33° 25.500' N. lat. 118° 21.980' W. long.;
33° 25.500' N. lat. 118° 24.000' W. long.; and
33° 25.102' N. lat. 118° 24.000' W. long.
Permitted/Prohibited Uses: It is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource.

Boundary: This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:
33° 20.460' N. lat. 118° 18.900' W. long.;
33° 20.711' N. lat. 118° 18.900' W. long.; and
33° 20.711' N. lat. 118° 19.321' W. long.
Permitted/Prohibited Uses:
  1. It is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource for commercial and/or recreational purposes, with the following specified exceptions:
    1. The recreational take by hook-and-line from the Cabrillo Mole is allowed.
    2. Take pursuant to maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the Department.
    3. Feeding of fish for marine life viewing is allowed.
Boundary: This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:
33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 29.080' W. long.;
33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 30.000' W. long.;
33° 19.000' N. lat. 118° 29.000' W. long.;
33° 19.000' N. lat. 118° 27.900' W. long.; and
33° 19.560' N. lat. 118° 27.900' W. long.
Permitted/Prohibited Uses:
  1. It is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource for commercial and/or recreational purposes, with the following specified exceptions:
    1. The recreational take by spearfishing of white seabass and pelagic finfish; marlin, tunas, and dorado (dolphinfish) (Coryphaena hippurus) by trolling; and market squid by hand-held dip net is allowed.
    2. The commercial take of swordfish by harpoon; and coastal pelagic species by round haul net, brail gear, and light boat is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial coastal pelagic species catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
Boundary: This area is bounded by straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:
33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 30.00' W. long.;
33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 32.878' W. long.; thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to
33° 19.000' N. lat. 118° 31.978' W. long.;
33° 19.000' N. lat. 118° 29.000' W. long.; and
33° 21.000' N. lat. 118° 30.000' W. long.
Permitted/Prohibited Uses:
  1. It is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource for commercial and/or recreational purposes, with the following specified exceptions:
    1. The recreational take of pelagic finfish, by hook-and-line or by spearfishing; white seabass by spearfishing; marlin, tunas and dorado (dolphinfish) (Coryphaena hippurus) by trolling; and market squid by hand-held dip net is allowed.
    2. The commercial take of swordfish by harpoon; and coastal pelagic species by round haul net, brail gear, and light boat is allowed. Not more than five percent by weight of any commercial coastal pelagic species catch landed or possessed shall be other incidentally taken species.
Boundary: This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line on the west side of Catalina Island northward of a straight line connecting Pin Rock (33° 25.486' N. lat. 118° 30.294' W. long.) and Cat Head Point (33° 25.320' N. lat. 118° 30.760' W. long.).

Permitted/Prohibited Uses:
  1. It is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource for commercial and/or recreational purposes, with the following specified exceptions:
    1. The recreational take of finfish by hook-and-line or by spearfishing, market squid by hook-and-line, and spiny lobster and sea urchin is allowed.
    2. The commercial take of sea cucumbers by diving only, and spiny lobster and sea urchin is allowed.
    3. Aquaculture of finfish [subsection 632(a)(2)] pursuant to any required state permits is allowed.
    4. Take pursuant to maintenance of artificial structures inside the conservation area is allowed pursuant to any required federal, state and local permits, or as otherwise authorized by the Department.
Definitions: Take, Finfish, Pelagic Finfish, and Coastal Pelagic Species
Take (Fish and Game Code, Section 86) means hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill, or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill. ("Take" is also defined in CCR Title 14, Section 1.80)
Finfish (CCR Title 14, Section 632(a)(2)), as defined for purposes of MPA regulations, are any species of bony fish or cartilaginous fish (sharks, skates and rays). Finfish do not include amphibians, invertebrates, plants or algae.
Pelagic finfish (CCR Title 14, Section 632(a)(3)), as defined for purposes of MPA regulations, are a subset of finfish defined as: northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), barracudas (Sphyraena spp.), billfishes* (family Istiophoridae), dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax), blue shark (Prionace glauca), salmon shark (Lamna ditropis), shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus), thresher sharks (Alopias spp.), swordfish (Xiphias gladius), tunas (family Scombridae), including Pacific bonito (Sarda chiliensis), and yellowtail (Seriola lalandi). *Marlin is not allowed for commercial take.
Coastal pelagic species (CCR Title 14, Section 1.39), as defined for purposes of MPA regulations, include the following: northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus) and market squid (Doryteuthis (Loligo) opalescens).
Surf Smelt (CCR Title 14, Section 28.45)
(Night Smelt, Day Fish, Whitebait Smelt)
Limit: Twenty-five pounds in combination

Definitions: MPA Network Areas
State Marine Reserve (CCR Title 14, Section 632(a)(1)(A)): In a State Marine Reserve, it is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource, except under a scientific collecting permit issued by the department pursuant to Section 650 or specific authorization from the commission for research, restoration, or monitoring purposes.
State Marine Park (CCR Title 14, Section 632(a)(1)(B)): In a State Marine Park, it is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living or nonliving marine resource for commercial purposes. Any human use that would compromise protection of the species of interest, natural community or habitat, or geological, cultural, or recreational features, may be restricted by the commission as specified in individual MPA regulations. The department may issue scientific collecting permits pursuant to Section 650. The commission may authorize research, monitoring, and educational activities and certain recreational harvest in a manner consistent with protecting resource values.
State Marine Conservation Area (CCR Title 14, Section 632(a)(1)©): In a State Marine Conservation Area, it is unlawful to injure, damage, take, or possess any living, geological, or cultural marine resource for commercial or recreational purposes, or a combination of commercial and recreational purposes except as specified in individual MPA regulations. The department may issue scientific collecting permits pursuant to Section 650. The commission may authorize research, education, and recreational activities, and certain commercial and recreational harvest of marine resources, provided that these uses do not compromise protection of the species of interest, natural community, habitat, or geological features.
State Marine Recreational Management Area (CCR Title 14, Section 632(a)(1)(D)): In a State Marine Recreational Management Area, it is unlawful to perform any activity that would compromise the recreational values for which the area may be designated. Recreational opportunities may be protected, enhanced, or restricted, while preserving basic resource values of the area. No other use is restricted unless specified in individual MPA regulations.
Special Closure: An area designated by the Fish and Game Commission that prohibits access or restricts boating activities in waters adjacent to sea bird rookeries or marine mammal haul-out sites (restrictions vary).
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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