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Best or Worst Hunting or Fishing Story
Here is the contest Best or Worst Hunting or Fishing Story, post your story and we will have a pole in 3 weeks. How the pole will work is that once they are all posted we will Number them, from there you can vote in the pole to see who wins.
Winner will receive a Hoodie and T-Shirt (girls will get a girls cut shirt) so lets get everyone involved and have your friends, family and buddies post and/or vote.
The contest Starts today 1/19/2015 and will go 3 weeks with the 4th week the voting week.
Good luck cant wait to see the write ups!
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Worst: I was dreaming of an Awesome weekend that started off taking my boat with my boy and my dad down to San Diego for the HOT tuna bite. We had a clean launch, and hardly any boat traffic. We got a whole scoop of awesome dines from the guy, and when we went to pay, it was payed by the boat in front of us! we threw the guy a 20 for our thanks, and headed out. As the sun was rising, there were birds diving everywhere, and tuna jumping in front of the boat! we threw out our lines, and it was instant BENDO! My gaff has never swiped so many fish, it was great! We almost had our limits and decided to take a beer break (root for the boy) and enjoy a sandwich we had made the night before. We had a good discussion on the sustinance of life and how despite the little things, life was good. After our lunch, we caught a few more fish to make our limit, and headed back to port. As we tie up the boat, there is a DFW officer putting up flyers around the docks saying "Effective Tomorrow, the legal take of seals and sea lions was legal with archery equipment, and typical hunting distances applied. Baiting of sea lions and seals IS legal for the take of said creatures" I called my wife, and within an hour we had our bows in our hands. We spent the night, and just before dawn, we got in the boat, and started baiting the bay. As soon as it was legal to shoot, we saw hundreds of furbags taking the bait, so we all picked a target, drew back, aimed . . . and my alarm went off, and I had to go to work.

Probably doesn't count, but good for a chuckle.

Ok, True story.

This wasn't any super awesome day of fishing, but one of my fondest memories...

In my early 20's, like many of us, money didn't come easy. We often spent weekends at local lakes fishing from the shore, or taking a drive to one of the coastal piers to catch a few fish, and just have fun. We often spent the week working on cars for cash, or collecting recyclables to fund our need to fish. On one of these occasions, my friends and I all piled in my buddies van, and took a trip to Belmont Pier. We took mostly light gear since thats what we had, and one old troll rod just incase something big showed up. As we were fishing sabiki rigs, people would often stop to see what we were doing since the sardines were thick, and we were pulling a fish on every hook. A young mother with her two little boys approches, to get a look at the action. The mother could probably care less, but the boys had all the interest in the world. The older of the two boys (probably 7 years old) was full of questions, and I tried my best to answer them. I remembered what it was like to be an inquisitive kid, and being shunned off by adults, and how much it bothered me. After a few minutes, I asked the boys if they would like to try (with moms approval). They got the nod of approval from mom, and I handed my rig to one, and my buddy handed his to the other. We showed them what to do, and just as quick as the jig was in the water, they had fish hooked up. It made my day to see those boys lit up with enthusiasm, pulling up those fish. After a few more tries, mom was ready to move on, and took the boys with her. As they walked away, we all chuckled as they were bugging their mother for fishing poles so they could come back and catch fish again. It warmed my heart to know we had just created two new fisherman, a hobby that can last a lifetime, and sustain it as well. No monster fish caught that day, just bait. But the memory will last until I die or get alzheimers.
Awesome read and great stories
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
So my worst fishing experience really is bad just unfortunate. This past year me fisherofmen and choodak went out to the Channel Islands to try for some WSB. We get to the spot and we all drop down. I have a glow yoyo with a couple squid pinned on sitting just off the bottom. We are sitting just relaxing and my my rod goes bend-o. I am stoked and fish on. During the fight we decide to try to get all the lines up and out of the way. Fisher has two lines in so cranks one up a little puts it down the decides to bring up the other one. When it's almost in his other rod goes bend-o, double hook up. Watching the style of fights going on I am certain in my mind that I have my first ever WSB on my line and fisher has a ray. Just the way the fish were fighting made us all believe this! My fish is getting to color and I see a..... Ray! Shit! Well fisher seeing this assumes he also has a ray so he cranks his drag down and horses it in. He isn't paying attention when the fish comes to color and nearly bounces his WSB over the rail! Shit, how was his a WSB and mine was a ray. Well we are all stoked since this is his first WSB choodak goes to gaff and misses, luckily sticks the second. So my worst experience is my WSB turning into a ray and fishers ray turning into a WSB! What dumb luck

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The way to a fishermans heart is through his fly
i remember that story, haha
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Sooo . . . . Who's winning?
WELL looks like i am just going to say So. Cali and RedRock55
congrats you both win this one....
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Ha! Awesome
The way to a fishermans heart is through his fly
[quote='Mikey' pid='28725' dateline='1425565491']
WELL looks like i am just going to say So. Cali and RedRock55
congrats you both win this one....

hey guys PM me addresses or if you want just get the prizes at the Event March 21st
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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