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What is wrong with people.
I was just driving home with my family from the hospital. This young punk drive up try to side swipe me then give me the middle finger. What is wrong with people these days. Dude is lucky I had my wife and kids with me. Could of got real interesting.
Eat what you kill !
We had tons of people like that this week....
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
yah some guy was crossing the street last night when he had the red hand and i almost ran him over... luckily i stopped...
then he proceeded to punch my hood and dent it
he's lucky i didnt dent him dude to my mom being in the passenger seat (i only have my permit)
Will Nighswonger is my name, Fishing is my game
Oh man that really sucks. I would of park my car couple black down the street , then go after the guy who dent my hood.... ugh
Eat what you kill !
i would have well never mind i have a good heart, but my truck has a mind of its own. HAHA
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!
Glad nothing bad happened


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