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East Cape - Foiled
East Cape - Foiled [/url]

Up until last Monday I thought Mother Nature was going to give a free pass and allow us to skip winter conditions.  We skated through November until now with very few harsh days, mostly sunny skies and calm seas.  Many kite boarders and wind surfers packed it up because of lack of our normal windy weather.  

Well, our outstanding weather pass has been revoked and now we are experiencing the ugly, windy, bone chilling conditions winter always brings.  On the bright side, history tells us it will only be a couple more weeks before we turn the corner toward spring conditions.

Prior to this week fishing reports were unbelievably good.  Striped marlin were on a rampage, dorado were abundant and even a couple wahoo were in the count.  To top that off, yellowfin tuna were pleasing anglers at the southern tip of Cerralvo Island.

Now it is nothing but wind and I have no fishing report.  My plan to get a boat in the water this week and take advantage of the great fishing has been foiled.

Good eats! Snapped this snapper on the beach yesterday.

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Mexican Flag Day today of incredible proportion.   That is a motorhome at the base of the flag pole.

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Sure sign of spring, sighted our first carpenter bee of the season. 

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First Accurate Valiant 1000 off the line.

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Accurate has done it again!  This reel comes in at a trim 29 ounces, holds more than 1,000 yards of 100# braid and can apply nearly 50 lbs of drag.

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Watching humpback whales from our deck.

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Putting on a show

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17 year old Baja rescue dog Pinchie still going strong. Well..maybe not strong but hanging in enjoying the good life.

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841

[Image: Accurate-blog.jpg]

[Image: AFTCO+Clothing.JPG]
well we got a rain storm last night about enough to settle dust for a day

i think we are going to have a late short cold winter
Let God lead the way!
Give a man a fish he eats for one day, teach him to fish he eats forever!

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