Offishial Business Outdoors

Full Version: 18.33 lmb @ DVL.
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Just got txt from my good friend Gregg Silks, maker of Z plug lure . A 18.33 lmb was just caught from DVL. This could be new lake record if they took it to the marina office. Fish caught on Z plug lure, and was release
Man now thats a nice fish! I need to get out and fish...
wow. doesnt look 18 but ill take your word for it. still a great fish.
It does look smaller then 18. That the weight I was told. I'm sure it will be on DVL site if it was.
Bu bu bu bam!!
look in the WONEWS maybe this weekend but for sure next week for the story. Nice fish
Hey fisher you called this one. Atruial weight on this was 10.88, not 18#
haha oops