Offishial Business Outdoors

Full Version: DFG Name Change
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Well Guys and Gals it is OFFICIAL yes i spelled it correct for this one, talked with a warden today and as of Jan-01-2013 the DFG will be no longer, it will be the DFW.
The owners as i call it state, because the DFG is responsible for Fish & Wildlife it makes more sense.
i think its a lobby against us hunters and fishers. just my thoughts. so be prepared for more changes and more fee's. some one has to pay for all the stickers and paper etc...

also here is the kicker, the Warden said they dont even know what they will be called anymore, officer, warden or who knows. doesn't that seem a little strange...

R.I.P. DFG and hello DFW i guess
So now they getting funded privately, so what happens to the tax paying dollars used for whatever it is?
Pretty much, accordingly it is just a name change how ever the question is who and why for the name change and who paid for this as well who will pay for this.