Offishial Business Outdoors

Full Version: My town smell like dead fish.
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So I got up this morning, and walk out side to take the trash out. Air out side smell like a stinking dead fish....yuck Huh ..... Guess the annual Salton Sea die off has begun. Man it's stink out here.... Dodgy
that blows
Yea no kiding. If it's not 120+ degree here, it smell like the Salton Sea. One good thing thought. This morning I was dropping of my kids at school. My son ask "Hey dad what is that funky smell" I said "If you have a girlfriend and she smell like that, RUNNNNN"...... Haha..... Then I told him what the smell really was of course....
Oat, I am coming out that way for work at the end of the week I guess Im glad i dont get out there early right