Offishial Business Outdoors

Full Version: The trout pond at Pacific coast sportfishing show
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So as many of you know,  sets up and runs the trout fishing pond, aka pool with extar filtration. We are also just a vendor trying to promote our business. The big congratulations is to the hard work and years of building this show, goes to Pacific coast sportfishing magazine. I have personally attended this show as well worked 7 of the 12 years and see it grow. If you are looking for a show to attend and find out new item, information or just want to see an array of cool things, well my friends this is the show. If you have followed us on Facebook live you have seen some of it. 

The seminars are awesome, the vendor's are amazing and the atmosphere is bar none just fun and then there is the Offishial Business trout pond for the kids. All in all if you didn't make it this year, watch for the dates next year.

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