Offishial Business Outdoors

Full Version: Great call at 530 am
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So as i am preparing for a county meeting and doing the chores on the ranch, i get a txt are you up. I respont to my dad yes.
Well paramedic just left with you mom heading to ER.

Slipped and fell. Looks to be a broken hip.

There goes my day and weekend.

Prayers please and thank you.
Im sorry to hear that. Hate those typenof text messages
Right  totally blows the day apart
Mom is waiting for surgery fracture in femur and broke hip
Mom juat went into surgery.
Hope everything goes smooth
Good news moms out of surgery  Yay.

Minimal surgery to boot
Yikes!!  Glad mom is ok
Shes is doing good 
A few more days and then off to rehab.


Wao! Es muy impresionante este tema, me encanta mucho todo lo que tiene que ver con ellos, por eso siempre estoy pendiente de lo que colocan por acá.