Offishial Business Outdoors

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Want to own part of something great, what if you could be a partner in a 39' sport-fisher?

OK so you are thinking this is to expensive, to much maintenance and to much work. Well that is not true; here is why and how it works. OFB outdoors is offering to let a select group get in on this boat with a capt. & crew, plus the corporation that goes hand and hand with it. Meaning you now get to say i own a charter sport-fishing boat in KONA HAWAII.

With fishing 5 mins from the dock how can you resist this opportunity. Beautiful weather 300 days a year, leeward side of the island so no wind chop and swell. Catching fish of a lifetime from marlin, whaoo, tuna, short-billed spearfish, mahi-mahi and more. plus the sight seeing, snorkeling and/diving.

The best part of the business is we have resorts that are working hand in hand with us to keep the boat running with the owners are not using the boat. this meaning it is a positive investment for keeping the cost of ownership low.

For more info feel free to ask or to email us directly