Offishial Business Outdoors

Full Version: Jury duty sucks.
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Yes jury duty does sucks. I been on call all week having to call back twice a day to see if I have to make appearance at count. Couple hour ago I decide to run over to the Colorado River to catch some stripers tomorrow morning. Got all my gear pack and ready to go. I just called the court to check in and guess what.... "You are to confirm to appear on Friday August 30 at 8am".....LMFAO..... Seriously this is so dumb......... Hope every one weekend fishing plan work out better then my.
sorry man that does suck
That sucks man. And you will get there and get released by 10:30
Got out of there at 4pm, blown the whole day....Dodgy
so out of jury duty and no fish, positive way to look at this is no more going back and you did get to go out and try to fish...
Yep no jury duty for 18 month.
Ooo you love it
last time i had jury duty i told work i got selected......3 days off with pay!
Sweet, so you went fishing and got paid, AWESOME!
yeah, actually i DID fish one of those days